Data Usage Policy

Data presented on EPA ENVision is provided "as is" without warranty of accuracy, timeliness or completeness. The burden of determining accuracy, completeness, timeliness and fitness or appropriateness for use rests solely with the user. The EPA makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the use of the data. There are no implied warranties or warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability, and the EPA shall have no liability for actual or consequential losses arising from use of the data. The user acknowledges and accepts the limitations of the data, including the fact that the data is dynamic and is in constant state of maintenance, correction and upgrade.

Data that is produced directly by the EPA is free for use under the conditions of under the conditions of Creative Commons Attribution license 4.0. We also ask that you notify us of any errors or omissions you may identify in the data so that we can correct same. EPA data can be downloaded directly via Envision using the Data Download option, or can be downloaded using the EPA Database download section of the GeoPortal.

Reusing images from any of EPA WebGIS sites (for example Envision, My Local Environment, Splash and all others)

Many EPA mapping websites use Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSi) maps and aerial images. You are allowed to use such mapping images subject to the following terms and conditions.

OSi data is Copyright © Ordnance Survey Ireland and Government of Ireland protected by the Copyright Act 1963, Copyright (Amendment) Act 1987, Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000 and EU Copyright and Database Directives.

Other than as expressly set out in these terms and conditions you are not authorised to reproduce any OSi Data, whether the reproduction is direct or through a fresh drawing or from a map or document based on OSi material, whatever the means of reproduction. Any infringement of Ordnance Survey Ireland and Government of Ireland Copyright may lead to prosecution and/ or civil proceedings.

You are authorised to make a single printed copy of each OSi mapping image as displayed on your browser for personal, non-commercial use. Educational establishments may print sufficient copies of each map image as displayed on your browser to provide each pupil/ student and teacher with an individual copy. You must not use the prints for financial gain. All hard copies produced from OSi data must carry the following acknowledgement:

Based on Ordnance Survey Ireland data and reproduced under Ordnance Survey Ireland Internet Publication Licence 8068. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Ordnance Survey Ireland and Government of Ireland copyright.

Apart from such use, you are not authorised to download OSi images from this website or to provide hyperlinks from other websites to OSi map images in this website. Any infringement of Ordnance Survey Ireland and Government of Ireland Copyright may lead to prosecution and/ or civil proceedings.

If you need to extend this licence for other uses not defined here, please contact the GIS Team.